



  1. 介绍.

    的BLACKTVFILMCOLLECTIVE.ORG(“BTFC”或, 另外, “we,” “us,”“我们的,” or “ours”) is committed to respecting your privacy and recognizes the need to protect the personal information that you share with us. In this 隐私政策 we inform you what information we might collect from you when you visit our website and any web-pages included thereto (collectively, “网站”), 我们如何使用这些信息, 我们可能与谁共享该信息, the safeguards we use to protect 这类信息, the choices you have regarding our use of 这类信息, 以及你的复习和纠正能力, 这类信息.

    本隐私政策是我们使用条款的一部分,并通过引用并入其中. 我们鼓励您仔细阅读本隐私政策,并使用它来做出明智的决定.

    当我们谈到与您使用本网站有关的“个人资料”时, 我们指的是任何数据, which may enable the identification of a specific person, or is otherwise linked to such potentially identifying data, 比如你的名字, address, 电话号码, 电子邮件地址, 信用卡信息, 个人兴趣.

  2. 你的同意.

    通过使用本网站, you agree to the terms of this 隐私政策, including the collection and use of information terms set forth herein. Your continued use of the Website constitutes your ongoing agreement to the terms and conditions of this 隐私政策 as may be revised from time to time. 然而, 在哪里适用的法律需要你的同意, 我们不会更改本政策中有关收集或使用您的个人资料的条款, 没有事先征得你的同意.

  3. 我们收集的信息类型.

    We have the ability to collect two types of information from people who visit our Website: (i) Personal Data, (ii)聚合信息,即匿名数据,例如您的IP地址.e., (当你连接到互联网时分配给你的电脑的号码), 您的域名(e.g.,“某某.. Com”)和用户统计(例如.g., 60% of our users live in New York) (collctively, “Aggregated Data”).

  4. 我们如何收集您的数据.


    1. 自动收集或自动生成的数据.

      当你来访时, 与本网站互动或使用本网站, 包括我们发给你的任何电子邮件, 我们可能会收集或生成有关您的数据, 包括个人资料. 我们独立或借助第三方服务收集或生成此类数据, including through the use of “cookies” and other tracking technologies (as further detailed in our Cookie Policy).

      这些数据由连接性组成, 技术或聚合使用数据, 例如IP地址, 关于设备的非识别数据, 操作系统, browser version locale and language settings used, the cookies and pixels installed on such device, 以及我们网站用户的活动(点击和其他互动).

    2. 收到您的资料.

      You may provide us Personal Data voluntarily, 比如你的名字, 电子邮件地址, 电话号码, 当您与我们联系或在本网站上发布或发布此类个人数据时,您的位置.

      如果您选择给我们您的电子邮件地址,我们可以通过电子邮件与您沟通. We do not share your 电子邮件地址 with others outside of BTFC. Depending on how your email application is set up, 关于你的行为的信息, 使用我们发送的电子邮件, may be transmitted automatically when you receive, 打开和/或点击我们的电子邮件. 在任何情况下,您可以随时选择不接收我们的任何其他电子邮件.

      如果您在我们这里创建了一个帐户,我们会直接收集您的某些信息, 包括你的名字, picture, 社交媒体简介, 一个有效的电子邮件地址和家庭或公司地址,你可以联系到, 电话号码, 您选择的用户名和密码, 以及付款方式. By voluntarily providing us with your personal data, 您同意我们根据本隐私政策使用该信息.

      You can choose not to share any Personal Data with us. 当然, if you choose not to provide certain information, you might be unable to access certain services, 我们网站上的优惠和内容

  5. 我们如何处理这些信息.

    We use Aggregated Data to diagnose technical problems on our Website, 以协助我们管理本网站及改善网页质素, to permit us to provide data regarding the volume of use on, 及浏览本网站的频率, to gather broad demographic information and to improve our Website to appealto as many people as possible.

    我们不会将此类数据用于了解个人的真实身份或联系方式. 而, we use such data to gain a better understanding of how our users typically use and/or browse our Website. The use of certain Aggregated Data also helps us and our Service Providers to deliver contextual or otherwise more effective advertisements and content; to optimize our ad management and our users’ viewing experience, 以及改善我们网站的整体用户体验和功能.

    We may share or otherwise use Aggregated Data in our sole discretion and without the need for further approval.

    We will use your Personal Data consistent with your consent to the terms and conditions set forth in this 隐私政策; for complying with applicable law; and based on our legitimate interests in maintaining and improving our Website and the content included thereto, 个性化您的在线体验, 了解如何使用我们的网站, improve our customer service and support operations, 建立更强大的社区, 保护和保护我们的用户, 我们及我们的网站.

    相应的, we use Personal Data in order to contact our users via e-mail with general and/or service-related messages, including through distribution of a newsletter.

    促销沟通. We may also contact you via the 电子邮件地址 you provide us with in order to notify you about new services, 事件, 项目和特殊机会或任何其他我们认为您会发现有价值的信息.

    If you wish not to receive such promotional communications, you may notify us at any time by filling out the electronic form below, or by following the “unsubscribe” or “update your preferences” instructions in the promotional communications you receive.

  6. 我们与谁共享数据?

    我们可能会与某些第三方分享您的资料(包括个人资料), 包括执法机构, 我们的服务提供商和我们的关联公司, 如下所述:

    1. Compliance with Laws, 法律 Orders and Authorities. 我们可能会披露或允许政府和执法人员访问某些个人数据, 是对传票的回应, search warrant or court order (or similar requirement), or in compliance with applicable laws and 监管s, 包括出于国家安全目的. Such disclosure or access may occur 不管有没有通知你, if we have a good faith belief that we are 法律ly compelled to do so, 或者说,在调查工作中披露信息是合适的, 防止, or take action regarding actual or suspected il法律 activity, 欺诈, 或者其他不当行为.
    2. 服务提供商和业务合作伙伴. We may engage selected third party companies and individuals to perform services complementary to our own (hosting services, 数据分析服务, 电子商务, 用户参与服务, 电子邮件分布, processing and collecting payments or crediting bank accounts, 监控服务, 还有我们的生意, 法律, financial and compliance advisors) (collectively: “Service Providers”). These Service Providers may have access to your Personal Data, 视乎他们各自的角色及目的而定,以促进本网站的目的, 并且只能将其用于此目的.
    3. 金融合作伙伴. 可能提供信用卡处理等服务的第三方公司, 欺诈防范, or financing options when you purchase our services. 我们不会也不会直接收集或存储您的敏感银行或信用卡信息. This is handled by PCI-compliant third-party partners and handling of that data is subject to the privacy policy of those parties.
    4. 业务转移. We may transfer your Personal Data in connection with a sale of all, 或者一部分, 我们的业务, 或出售或转让资产, 或者是收购, 合并, 重组, 或者在破产的情况下, 作为该交易的一部分向第三方提供, and to the extent permitted by applicable law.
    5. 保障权利和安全. 我们可能会与其他人分享您的个人资料, if we believe in good faith that this will help protect the rights, BTFC的财产或人身安全, any of our users or any members of the general public.
    6. 我们可能允许出于本隐私政策中规定的用途而查阅您的个人资料, 在内部, 在我们的组实体之间. 在从欧盟境内的个人收集个人数据的情况下, We will make sure that transfer outside EU borders (a) an EU Commission Adequacy Decision is in place, or (b) we have a legitimate interest of such transfer, 接收实体也受到我们所采用的类似安全措施的约束, and further subject to the provisions of Section 7 below.
    7. 进一步使用. 为了消除疑虑, we may share your Personal Data in additional manners, 根据你的明确同意, 或者如果我们已经成功地将这些非个人和匿名的数据.

    你的名字, 电子邮件地址 and any other information you choose to make available in connection with any materials posted and/or published by you on the Website will be available and disclosed to other users of the Website and to other third parties who may have access to, 否则就会看到, 在本网站上显示此类信息. 这些第三方将能够找到并看到你公开分享的内容, 包括你的名字 (and photo if you have provided one), 你的资料, any social actions you take on our Website such as 事件 you RSVPed, 社交网络链接, 以及评论,“喜欢,或“转发”帖子, which will also be viable to such third parties.

    Whether or not you provide 这类信息 and take such social actions is completely your own choice. BTFC is in no way responsible for retaining or protecting information you choose to make available to other users.

  7. 我们如何保留和存储您的数据?

    BTFC是一家美国公司, and thus abides by applicable US privacy law; 然而, 它也承担了自己的责任, 就储存您的个人资料采取额外的保安措施, and only to use it in accordance with this 隐私政策.

    While privacy laws may vary between jurisdictions, BTFC has taken reasonable steps to ensure that your Personal Data is treated by its affiliates and Service Providers at a secure and lawful manner, and in accordance with common industry practices, 不管在其管辖范围内可能适用的任何较低的法律要求.

    We will retain the Personal Data collected by us through the Website for as long as is necessary for the purpose(s) for which it was collected as set out in this privacy policy, provided that Personal Data may be held for longer periods where extended retention periods are required by law, 监管, 或者专业标准, 为了建立, 行使或捍卫我们的合法权利. 我们可能不会删除您的信息,而是通过删除识别细节来去识别您的信息. Please note that except as required by applicable law, we will not be obligated to retain your data for any particular period, and are free to securely delete it for any reason and at any time, 不管有没有通知你.

  8. Your Rights Regarding Your Personal Information.

    请注意,您可能对收集方式有一定的权利, processing and usage of your personal information pursuant to applicable privacy laws such as the EU General Data Protection Regulations (“GDPR”). 根据GDPR(在适用于您的范围内),您可能有资格享有以下权利:

    1. 有权删除您的个人资料.
      This right is subject to any requirement we may be subject to in connection with our compliance with a 法律 obligation / our exercise of a 法律 defense. 为了让我们适应这样的权利 (to the extent applicable), 请按照下面“足球下注app”一节中的详细信息与我们联系.
    2. The right to access the Personal Data collected and processed.
      为了让我们适应这样的权利, please contact us in accordance with the details found at the “足球下注app” 下面的部分.
    3. The right to rectify untrue or incorrect Personal Data.
      为了让我们适应这样的权利, please contact us in accordance with the details found at the “足球下注app” 下面的部分.
    4. The right to object to us processing your Personal Data.
      You may be entitled to object to certain processing functions, 比如制作, 与分析活动有关. 为了让我们适应这样的权利 (to the extent applicable), please contact us in accordance with the details found at the “足球下注app” 下面的部分.
    5. The right to have your Personal Data exported at your request.
      We will make efforts to comply with within a reasonable time, 并以我们选择的电子媒介向您提供这些汇编数据.

      请注意,上述列表包含您在GDPR下可能拥有的主要权利的摘要. Under no circumstances shall the above be deemed as an exhaustive list, 你也不应该依赖它来充分理解你在GDPR下的所有权利.

  9. 保护儿童.

    We take special care to protect the safety and privacy of children. 我们的网站是面向大众的网站. 然而,我们的网站是针对18岁及以上的人设计的. 我们不会故意收集或索取18岁以下儿童的个人资料. 如果我们仍然收到个人的个人资料,并表明他或她是, or whom we otherwise have reason to believe is, 18岁以下的, we will delete 这类信息 from our systems.

  10. 饼干

    我们的网站使用“cookie”.” A cookie is a small amount of data that is sent to your browser from an internet server and stored in your computer. 一般, 我们使用cookie来提醒我们您是谁, 定制我们的产品, services and programs to suit your personal interests, 估计我们的受众规模, 跟踪您在我们的促销活动中的状态, 和/或分析您的访问模式. You can set your browser to notify you when you are sent a cookie, giving you the chance to decide whether or not to accept it. 了解更多信息, and to learn how to manage the technologies we utilize, 请访问我们的Cookie政策.

  11. 安全措施.

    本公司设有物理、电子及程序保障措施,以协助保护阁下的个人资料. We restrict access to personally identifiable information to those persons who need to know that information to provide products or services to you and any persons you have authorized to have access to 这类信息. 另外, 以确保您的个人身份信息的安全和保护, we encrypt all submissions using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) software, the industry standard method for securing online transactions. All Personal Data including credit card number, name and address is encrypted in an effort to 防止 这类信息 from being used as transmitted over the Internet.

    保护您与我们共享的个人信息的安全对我们非常重要. 不幸的是, 然而, 互联网上的数据传输和数据存储都不能保证100%的安全. 结果是, while we strive to protect your Personal Data, we cannot guarantee or warrant the security of any information you transmit to or from our Website, 这样做的风险自负.

  12. 链接到第三方网站或产品.

    Our Website contains links to sites operated and maintained by third parties as well as links to products and services provided by third parties. 虽然我们试图只链接到那些和我们一样尊重隐私的网站, 请注意,我们无法控制这些第三方, 他们的网站或他们的产品或服务, nor are we responsible for their privacy practices. 此类链接网站的隐私政策可能与我们的隐私政策不同. You access such linked sites or products or services at your own risk. 通过超链接从本网站访问的网站可能会使用“cookie”.” We encourage you to read the privacy statements provided by other websites before before disclosing any personal information on such site or in exchange for such product or service.

  13. 政策变化.

    本隐私政策可能会随着我们对服务的修改或扩展而发生变化. 如果我们决定更改我们的隐私政策, we will post written notice of those changes on our Website. Your continued use of the Website after we post such notice constitutes your agreement to any such changes.

  14. 足球下注app.

    If you have any questions about this 隐私政策, or in the event that you wish to exercise certain rights you are eligible for with respect to your Personal Date, please contact us via the below online contact form. we welcome your suggestions and questions about our 隐私政策.



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